In Chapter 2 from page 19-22, the authors analyze the design of CALL materials from three aspects – language-learning task, course and syllabus and language learning areas and skills. These different points of departure would drive the design toward different directions. If the design is task-based, teachers, as designers of language teaching tasks, should bear in mind when designing a task, that design is no longer a static concept, but a dynamic process to be continually refined with a greater involvement of the learners. For the course and syllabus-based design, the authors gave an example of combining two components of the course, webCT and CD, to compensate the defect of each tool. With this hybrid solution, the learners can enjoy the rich media content without compromising the interactive environment. As the focus shifts to language-learning areas and skills, the designers would set out by employing the theories and methodologies specific to a language skill or area. It is, however, controversial that whether treating language learning in this discrete manner could really contribute to SLA.
I am gradually convinced by the authors’ perspective about CALL, that technology would hardly be advantageous to the language teaching and learning unless its limitations can be fully recognized. Though process of reading is excruciating ><, I consider it as a good way for me to learn the approach to build a sound ground while writing an academic article.
I am gradually convinced by the authors’ perspective about CALL, that technology would hardly be advantageous to the language teaching and learning unless its limitations can be fully recognized. Though process of reading is excruciating ><, I consider it as a good way for me to learn the approach to build a sound ground while writing an academic article.